Support Palestinian human rights defenders Issa and Farid: Amnesty


Published: 2017-12-05 14:43

Last Updated: 2024-05-05 16:09

Support Issa and Fareed campaign. (Amnesty website)
Support Issa and Fareed campaign. (Amnesty website)

The two Palestinian human rights defenders and lawyers, Issa Amro and Farid Al-Atrash, are facing criminal charges for standing against Israeli military forces on December 21st.

Amro and Al Atrash will appear before the Israeli Ofer Military Court after delays in their trial by Israeli authorities.

According to Amnesty International, Issa Amro is currently facing 18 false charges which were presented on 7 June 2016, and range from participation in peaceful marches without obtaining a permit to breaking an Israeli settler's camera during a protest on 20 March 2013.

The human rights organisation also said that Farid Al-Atrash is facing fabricated charges, and is accused of assaulting Israeli soldiers following his participation in a peaceful protest organised by Palestinians in Hebron on 26 February.

The legal battle after Amro and Al Atrash’s participation in peaceful demonstrations in the Palestinian city of Hebron, during which the Israeli forces bombed them with sound bombs and tear gas, before Issa and Al-Atrash were arrested.

Amnesty International is calling the international community to take action to put more pressure on Israel to “stop silencing people who are defending their rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territories”.

“One of the most important things you can do right now is share these petitions as widely as possible. Your voice will have more impact in your community than ours ever could. Whether you share on Twitter, Facebook or Whatsapp - use your influence now to support Issa and Farid,” according to Amnesty’s website.

The Israeli Military Court System is designed to be one of the main apparatuses serving the Israeli military.

“Every year, thousands of Palestinians are brought before military courts on various charges, including entering Israel without a permit, stone-throwing, membership in illegal association, violence, firearms-related offenses and traffic violations,” Israeli human rights organisation, B'tselem reported.

“The latter constitute, on average, about 40% of all indictments a year.”

This campaign comes during the campaign ‘Write For Rights’ launched by the Amnesty International, in which millions of supporters will write letters for those whose basic human rights are being attacked. The campaign takes place in December of each year.

“And it’s not just letters – it could be petitions, emails, Tweets, Facebook posts, photos, postcards. Your words really can change lives,” Amnesty stated on their website.

You can be part of the campaign to write for their rights today.. Join from here: